There are currently fourteen Countrysider Clubs around Norfolk. They are the junior branch of The Young Farmers Clubs.
Each Countrysider Club is run independently of its Senior Club but they do meet together several times during the year. Countrysiders is for children aged 10 – 16 years. They can stay at Countrysiders until they feel ready to move on to their senior Club or reach 17. Which ever comes first!
Countrysiders meet once a fortnight (usually at the memorial Hall) and is run by volunteers. The Clubs are overseen by a Countrysiders Development Officer who is employed by the YFC County Office based at Easton Campus. Countrysiders meet on a fortnightly basis and the meetings start at 7pm and finish at 8.30pm.
For further information on North Elmham Countrysiders please either email: or call Wendy on: 07557 388228