There are 23 photo albums.

  • Elmham Fete 2023 (16 photos)

    A selection of images from the Fete and Fun Dog Show held at Elmham House on 21 May 2023.

    Welcome to the Elmham Fete

  • Flower Festival 2022 (44 photos)

    A selection of images from the 2022 Elmham Flower Festival 'All That's Royal' was kindly recorded by Ian McIntosh LRPS and are uploaded here for your enjoyment.

    A video montage has also been compiled and can be viewed from the link on this website's homepage.

    Archive Display

  • Platinum Jubilee 2022 (16 photos)

    Some images from the various celebrations in the village over the 4 day Platinum Jubilee weekend. Images kindly recorded by Ian McIntosh LRPS.

    Good evening Ma'am

  • Flower Festival 2021 (60 photos)

    'Sing a Song of Colour' was the theme for the Flower Festival, the first time such an event had been held at St Mary's Church in North Elmham since 2016. A selection of images was kindly recorded by Ian McIntosh LRPS and are uploaded here for your enjoyment.

    A happy fairground atmosphere courtesy of Mr Cushing's organ

  • Snow in Elmham (3 photos)

    Snow pictures!

    Holt Road February 2021

  • Remembrance 2020 (7 photos)

    A selection of images from North Elmham marking Remembrance during Covid19


  • Dr Strickland's Funeral (2 photos)

    The funeral cortege passed through the village on Thursday 16th July 2020, allowing villagers to pay their last respects to a well-respected doctor.


  • May Singers (8 photos)

    Photos from the 2019 Christmas party...a time to sing together, share festive food and perform a party piece (if you want to).

    Singing together around a beautiful festive arrangement by Tony

  • Elmham Panto Jan 2020 (33 photos)

    The Elmham Players performed Cinderella in January 2020 at the Elmham Memorial Hall. Photographs were kindly taken by Ian McIntosh LRPS.


  • Christmas Tree SwitchOn 2019 (7 photos)

    On 29 November the Christmas Tree was switched on! A selection of images kindly taken by Ian McIntosh LRPS show what a lovely event it was.

    Mulled wine and hot chocolate to tempt the taste buds and warm cold hands!

  • Squit, Wit & Strawberries (9 photos)

    An evening of squit & wit and strawberries - Keith Skipper July 2019


  • Tea @ 2 (8 photos)

    A selection of images: some Year 5/6 children went to The Institute to sing to an audience of people from the village, then mingled with them and served drinks and refreshments - a lovely afternoon of community spirit at the T@2.


  • Elmham Christmas Trees 2018 (4 photos)

    For the first time for as long as anyone can remember, the village and the church both have outside Christmas trees! The village tree is by the Sports Pavilion on Holt Road and the church tree is in the West porch.

    Villagers awaiting the switch on!

  • Christmas Flower Arranging (11 photos)

    A lovely evening with Ian Nickerson creating wonderful Christmas arrangements and making it look so easy too!
    A selection of images kindly taken by Ian McIntosh LRPS


  • North Elmham Fashion Show 2018 (40 photos)

    On 26 September 2018 a Fashion Show was held at the Memorial Hall, raising money for the church restoration fund. A selection of images kindly taken by Ian McIntosh LRPS show what a well-attended and enjoyable evening it was!


  • Village photos (13 photos)

    A selection of images around North Elmham kindly provided by Ian McIntosh LRPS

    111 miles to London...

  • Remembrance 100 2018 (13 photos)

    A selection of photos for the preparation of the centenary

    Preparing the poppy cascade

  • North Elmham Tennis Club (9 photos)

    North Elmham Tennis Club


  • Mid Norfolk Conservation Group (5 photos)

    A collection of images from Mid Norfolk Conservation Group


  • Walking Group (10 photos)

    Walking Group


  • Cathedral Meadows (4 photos)

    Cathedral Meadows

    Orchid in bud - which variety?

  • North Elmham Cricket Club (7 photos)

    North Elmham Cricket Club


  • Elmham Fete & Fun Dog Show (16 photos)

    A section of images from the Garden Fete and Fun Dog Show held at Elmham House in May 2017

    A very busy refreshments tent!

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