North Elmham Church & Town Lands Charity (Estate Branch)
Annual report from the Trustees
Charity Registration No 210990
This charity was formed in 1911 and has a Governing document registered with the Charity Commission dated 29th January 1915. There is evidence that this charity existed much earlier that 1911 (circa 1830’s) as lands administered by the Churchwardens known as “the Church Lands” was used to create income to the maintenance of the Church and the benefit of the poor of the parish.
The current charity now collects rents from lands owned in Gressenhall and North Elmham (approx. 80 acres) and distributes the income equally between the PCC and the General Branch of the charity.
Parish Council Trustees
Martin Phillips (Chairman) Appointed May 2011
Jennie Borgnis Appointed May 2015
Paul Grainger Appointed November 2019
PCC Trustees
John Labouchere Appointed May 2011
Arthur Smith Appointed November 1982
Susanna Wade-Martins Appointed May 2008
Charitable Objects
Half the income for the maintenance, repair and insurance of the parish Church.
The balance for the benefit of the poor and public purpose.
Generable charitable purposes
Religious activities
Other charitable or voluntary bodies
Makes grants to individuals
Makes grants to organisations
Parish of North Elmham