Elmham News is the monthly village magazine which is distributed free to every household in the village (and some a little further afield too).
In December 2017 Elmham News celebrated its 40th birthday as the very first edition was produced in December 1977. Earlier in 2017 the 'News' was entered into a National Parish Magazine Competition and out of 410 entries it achieved 13th place! Even better, in 2022 the Elmham News won 1st place!
Of course Elmham News relies on people contributing news, articles of interest and details of events that are taking place as well as the many voluntary hours given by everyone involved from the Editors to the faithful Deliverers and many in between.
So thank you to all and please keep sending information to (all) the Editorial Committee:
Janet Woodhouse robert.woodhouse2@gmail.com
Caroline Payne carolinejpayne@hotmail.co.uk
Meg White megandnigel@gmail.com
Advertising enquiries for Elmham News - please contact Martin Phillips
And if the information you are sending is about a forthcoming event or an update to contact details or other information for a club/association in the village please also copy to the website editors, Sue & Ivan Ball on elmhamweb@gmail.com so that we can keep the information on this website up to date for everyone too.